Marketing Automation for WhatsApp

Create personalized campaigns that stand out.

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Instant Lead engagement

Start conversations with leads as soon as they sign up by responding with automated chatbots.

Keep Leads in the Funnel

Maintain a conversation and prevent lead leakage that happens when follow up by sales teams is delayed.

Personalized Promotions

Design and message personalized offers at scale to maximize engagement across your CRM data.

Re-engage Prospects

Use personalization to message and re-engage with prospects after initial conversations have gone silent.

Alert to Abandoned Carts

Alert and reconnect to customers with personalized offers for items in abandoned carts on your website.

Integrate Your Tools

Native and custom integration for your favorite tools such as CRM, helpdesk, and anything else in your software stack.

Deliver Brand to Customers and Prospects

  • Leverage WhatsApp reputation as a secure and reliable channel to support your brand.
  • Hold conversations and make instant or timely responses that demonstrate high standards of customer sales and service.

Create Impactful Campaigns to Boost Sales

  • Broadcast extensive sales information using messages on WhatsApp, creating awareness and generating interest.
  • Tailor personalized offers to specific contact segments to drive higher sales conversions.

Streamline and Foster Collaboration

  • Consolidate and improve the organization of customer interactions and engagements.
  • Boost efficiency and maximize productivity with streamlined automation and integration for better results.

Grow your business with LuluChat

Get your WhatsApp Automation to Level Up your Business.

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